
Matamata Intermediate is a state school located in the heart of the Waikato. It shares a school site with Firth Primary School and has a shared boundary with Matamata College. Matamata Intermediate was originally attached to Matamata College gaining its own identity in 1961 with its own buildings and separate school site.

Approximately 45% of students enrolled at Matamata Intermediate come to school by bus from outlying rural areas. There are nine contributing schools, with six of them located in rural settings. The school roll for 2017 is currently sitting at 351 with a teaching staff of 22 full and part time, and 15 support staff. 22% of our students identify as Māori, the majority of these students identify with Matamata’s two main iwi, Ngāti Haua and Ngāti Raukawa. The non-Māori students in our school identify as 70% NZ European, 5% Asian and 3% of other nationalities (fig. rounded).


What makes us unique

Matamata Intermediate aims to create and provide an environment with opportunities to develop the talents, confidence and independence of emerging adolescents in years 7 and 8. The total well-being of each of our students, celebrating success, progress and commitment is very important to us.

Our school culture is based on the core virtues of courtesy, common-sense and consideration, and providing an environment in which all students can develop a strong sense of personal well-being. The Tall Poppy and the 3 Cs symbolise all we do to create a stimulating environment for adolescents to thrive. We also encourage a growth mind set to support the development of perseverance and resilience. Visit www.ero.govt.nz to view our latest ERO report (2013).

The key competencies of the NZC will underpin all curriculum programmes at MIS to provide opportunities for our students to become confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.

While the quality of education we provide for each child at Matamata Intermediate will always be the focus of our vision, creating a caring and nurturing environment within which your child can develop strong relationships and flourish as an emerging adolescent is highly important.

Our commitment to our community

Matamata Intermediate enjoys a positive reputation in the community and we pride ourselves on having open and effective communication with parents, whānau and the wider community. Our students are offered a wide range of academic, cultural and sporting activities by teachers who are focused on high standards of best practice in teaching and learning.

We are committed to providing high quality professional learning programmes for our staff to ensure we offer a curriculum, and physical and online environments to support innovative learning pedagogy.

We strongly encourage your child to grasp the many opportunities offered at Matamata Intermediate School and that you, as parents and caregivers take the opportunity to share with your children, their education journey with our school.

Ngā mihi nui

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Prestige Plumbing & Gas MVS Small Animals Ltd Plumb.Co (2004) Ltd Matamata Dental Wheelie Bin Services RHF Tyres Chemwash Fez Kebab South Waikato Garage Doors Bell & Graham Lorraine Ludwig - Vega Lend Mortgages F45 Training Matamata Tractortech Matamata Ltd Trevor Kenny - PGG Wrightson Real Estate
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