Reporting to Parents


Teachers will be available for you to drop in and meet them before school begins. We request parents make their child's teacher the first port of call with regards to Student well-being issues, you can email teachers to arrange meeting times.
A house Meet and Greet will be held early in Term 1, where you can talk to the teacher and see how your child has settled in. Student Conferences are held in Term 3 to report on progress and are accompanied by a mid-year report. A second formal report is sent home at the end of the year.

Whanau Hui:

A hui is held from time to time to seek feedback from whanau to ensure we are working effectively and providing opportunities for our Maori students. A panui is sent home prior to the hui.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Prestige Plumbing & Gas Plumb.Co (2004) Ltd Wheelie Bin Services RHF Tyres Chemwash South Waikato Garage Doors Bell & Graham Lorraine Ludwig - Vega Lend Mortgages F45 Training Matamata Tractortech Matamata Ltd Trevor Kenny - PGG Wrightson Real Estate Heartland Homes CVT New Zealand
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