Board of Trustees

M.I.S is supported by a strong Board of Trustees. The Board consists of 5 parent representatives with a diverse range of skills, a staff representative and the Principal.
The Board is committed to ensuring students receive a balanced education with a wide range of opportunities during their time at our school. Improving student progress and achievement is a key focus for the Board. The school’s strategic goals clearly reflect our commitment to this.
The school’s most recent ERO report can be read online at This was an outstanding review and the BOT remains committed to continuing to build on the strong results that have been achieved in the past.

Principal: Debbie Currie
Presiding member: Ben Ferreira
Minuting Secretary: Shannon Johnson
Trustees: Roger Thompson
Jennifer Anderson 
Kelly Hayward
Heidi Armistead
Laura Fisher


Community Consultation
Matamata Intermediate School Board of Trustees and Senior Leadership team consults annually with the community. This consultation helps us to target any areas for improvement and highlights things we are doing well as a school. Responses help to inform our strategic planning for continuing to improve learning outcomes for students.

Some processes for consultation are:

  • A school newsletter is sent home fortnightly
  • The Principal and staff are always available to meet with parents. There is an open door policy.
  • There will be regular reporting to parents/caregivers on student achievement, progress and welfare.

In addition to the above processes:

  • Parental and whānau involvement with numerous learning and wider school activities is encouraged.
  • School achievements and events will be publicised in the local press.
  • Local resources will be used to enhance learning wherever possible.

School Charter
The Charter and Strategic Plan will be reviewed and updated by the end of each year, presented to the BoT for ratification and sent to the MOE by 1st March.

School Policies
Public access to Matamata Intermediate Policies, please visit:
The username and password for our school is: Matamataint / policy

Concerns & Complaints process

Annual Plan
The Board will send the annual report to the Ministry of Education annually by May 31.

Community of Learning
Matamata Intermediate is an active member in our local Matamata CoL | Kāhui Ako Programme. The achievement challenges are based on areas of identified needs across the district. The achievement challenges will align to our own school's Strategic Plan.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Prestige Plumbing & Gas Plumb.Co (2004) Ltd Wheelie Bin Services RHF Tyres Chemwash South Waikato Garage Doors Bell & Graham Lorraine Ludwig - Vega Lend Mortgages F45 Training Matamata Tractortech Matamata Ltd Trevor Kenny - PGG Wrightson Real Estate Heartland Homes CVT New Zealand
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