School Day


School starts at 8:50am and students are expected to be in their class room ready for learning by this time. School finishes 3:00pm.



Students arriving after 8:50am must go to the office to sign in. A genuine reason for being late should be accompanied by a note or phone call. It is important that students arrive on time each day prepared for learning. No student may leave the school grounds between 8.30am and 3.00pm without the permission of the Principal.
For Health and Safety reasons parents collecting children during the school day must do so from the office and the student must be signed out before they leave the school grounds.


Health of Students

Any student who becomes ill at school will be looked after to the best of our ability but should we consider the student would be better off at home, office personnel will phone requesting that someone collects the sick child. In the case of an accident requiring medical treatment, if the parent cannot be contacted immediately, the pupil will be taken to your family Doctor by a 1st Aid certificated staff member. Parents will be notified so that the pupil can be collected from the Doctor's surgery.



The morning break is from 10.40 - 11.00 and lunch is from 12.40 - 1.20 each day. Students are encouraged to bring a healthy lunch and snacks including fruit and water to best fuel themselves for learning.

We have a partnership with our local Subway and lunch orders can be made on site, or alternatively, you can pop into the outlet the day before and make an order using student name and class number.

We encourage healthy choices for school lunches—please do not send energy or fizzy drinks.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Prestige Plumbing & Gas Plumb.Co (2004) Ltd Wheelie Bin Services RHF Tyres Chemwash South Waikato Garage Doors Bell & Graham Lorraine Ludwig - Vega Lend Mortgages F45 Training Matamata Tractortech Matamata Ltd Trevor Kenny - PGG Wrightson Real Estate Heartland Homes CVT New Zealand
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